In mathematics, the Koenigs function is a function arising in complex analysis and dynamical systems. Introduced in 1884 by the French mathematician Gabriel Koenigs, it gives a canonical representation as dilations of a univalent holomorphic mapping, or a semigroup of mappings, of the unit disk in the complex numbers into itself.
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Let D be the unit disk in the complex numbers. Let f be a holomorphic function mapping D into itself, fixing the point 0. with f not identically 0 and f not an automorphism of D, i.e. a Möbius transformation defined by a matrix in SU(1,1). By the Denjoy-Wolff theorem, f leaves invariant each disk |z| < r and the iterates of f converge uniformly on compacta to 0: if fact for 0 < r < 1,
for |z| ≤ r with M(r) < 1. Moreover f '(0) = λ with 0 < |λ| < 1.
Koenigs (1884) proved that there is a unique holomorphic function h defined on D, called the Koenigs function such that h(0) = 0, h'(0) = 1 and Schroeder's equation is satisfied:
The function h is the uniform limit on compacta of the normalized iterates . Moreover if f is univalent so is h. [1][2]
As a consequence, when f (and hence h) are univalent, D ca be identified with the open domain U = h(D). Under this conformal identification, the mapping f becomes multiplication by λ, a dilation on U.
Let be a semigroup of holomorphic univalent mappings of D into itself fixing 0 defined for such that
Each with s > 0 has the same Koenigs function. In fact if h is the Koenigs function of f =f1 then satisfies Schroeder's equation and hence is proportion to h. Taking derivatives gives
Hence h is the Koenigs function of fs.
On the domain U = h(D), the maps fs become multiplication by , a continuous semigroup. So where μ is a uniquely determined solution of with Re μ < 0. It follows that the semigroup is differentiable at 0. Let
a holomorphic function on D with v(0) = 0 and v'(0) = μ. Then
so that
the flow equation for a vector field.
Restricting to the case with 0 < λ < 1, the h(D) must be starlike so that
Since the same result holds for the reciprocal,
so that v(z) satisfies the conditions of Berkson & Porta (1978)
Conversely, reversing the above steps, any holomorphic vector field v(z) satisfying these conditions is associated to a semigroup ft, with